Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A side trip to the glacier

Today had the promise of good weather so we pulled in our shore lines, hoisted the dingy and off we went on a 16 mile course up Seno Iceberg. At the end we were rewarded with beautiful views of the icecap, Campo de Heilo or Heilo Continental Sur and one of the few tidewater glaciers. We saw bergy bits floating down the canal and kept our distance. We started to see the ice about 9 miles out, a beautiful blue in color. As we rounded the last corner we saw the huge wall of ice hundred of feet tall. Very impressive! We also saw a waterfall and the CONAF or ranger station as this is part of the Parque National Bernardo O'Higgins. We took lots of photos but it may be a bit before we are able to post them so be patient.

Now we are back at Caleta Yvonne, enjoying some sunshine and warm temperatures for a change. Not sure how long it will last though so we will enjoy it while we can.

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